Out of the Box: 25 Cardboard Engineering Projects for Makers
(作者 Author︰ Jemma Westing)
- 英文版;
- 全書提供共25款作品的詳細教學;
- 由介紹工具及基本技巧開始,由淺入深,非常適合入門DIY;
- 內容主要教你如何使用紙板,製作有趣好玩的玩具給小朋友;
- English Version;
- This book contains 25 cardboard engineering projects for makers;
- Starting with introduction tools and basic skills, from shallow to deep, it is very suitable for DIY beginners;
- The content mainly teaches you how to use cardboard to make fun children's toys;
ISBN: 9781465458964