付款方法(Payment Methods)



1. 信用卡 (Credit Card)

在我們網站上用信用卡 (VISA / MASTER CARD) 直接付款,所有交易是安全和加密,而且直接傳送到信用卡中心結算,信用卡資料不會被保存。


2. PayPal

直接使用 PayPal 户口或透過 PayPal 使用信用卡,所有交易是安全和加密。信用卡信息不會被保存。


3. AliPay (暫不支援手機操作)

選擇透過Alipay付款後,系統會跳轉到以下頁面。 只需按指示以Alipay App掃瞄QR code 即可付款。


4. 轉賬(Wire transfer)  (ATM櫃員機或網上銀行 Online Banking)

銀行名稱: 上海商業銀行
公司名稱: 廣利紙品有限公司
帳號: 025-34482-05111-1
Bank Name: Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited
Company Name: Guang Li Paper Products Limited
Account Number: 025-34482-05111-1

轉賬後透過Whatsapp (9430 2304) 將入數紙相片或轉賬成功畫面發給我們

5. FPS 轉數快

快速支付系統識別碼: 7001522,(上海商業銀行(025) GUANG LI PAPER PRODUCTS LTD);

轉數後透過Whatsapp (9430 2304) 將入數紙相片或轉賬成功畫面發給我們


6. PayMe (暫時無法使用)

     電話: 5233 8662


7. 自取付款(Pay at store) (現金Cash / 八達通Octopus 或 FPS 轉數快)


如對取貨有特別需求,請透過Whatsapp (9430 2304) 或致電 2416-1887

付款方式: 現金 / 八達通Octopus 或 FPS 轉數快
取貨地址: 荃灣海盛路9號有線電視大樓23樓01室
星期一至五 9:00 - 19:30
星期六 9:00 - 15:30

電話: 2499-3308 / 2416-1887


[English Version]

You can choose from the following payment methods at checkout:

1. Credit Card

Pay directly on our website using a credit card (VISA / MASTER CARD). All transactions are safe and encrypted, and sent directly to the credit card center for settlement. Credit card information will not be saved.

2. PayPal

Pay directly using your PayPal account or use a credit card through PayPal. All transactions are safe and encrypted. Credit card information will not be saved.

3. AliPay (mobile operation not supported yet)

After choosing to pay with Alipay, the system will redirect to the following page. Just follow the instructions to scan the QR code with the Alipay App for payment.

4. Wire Transfer (ATM or Online Banking)

Bank Name: Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited
Company Name: Guang Li Paper Products Limited
Account Number: 025-34482-05111-1

After the transfer, send us the photo of the payment slip or the successful transfer screen via Whatsapp (9430 2304).

5. FPS (Faster Payment System)

FPS Identifier: 7001522, (Shanghai Commercial Bank (025) GUANG LI PAPER PRODUCTS LTD);

After the transfer, send us the photo of the payment slip or the successful transfer screen via Whatsapp (9430 2304).

6. PayMe (currently unavailable)

Phone: 5233 8662

7. Pay at Store (Cash / Octopus or FPS)

Please pay in cash and pick up the goods within 7 days during office hours.

If you have not paid and picked up the goods at our company within 7 days, the order will be automatically cancelled and we reserve the right not to refund the payment.

If you have any special requirements for pick-up, please contact us via Whatsapp (9430 2304) or call 2416-1887.

Payment methods: Cash / Octopus or FPS

Pickup address: Room 23-01, 23/F, Cable TV Tower, 9 Hoi Shing Road, Tsuen Wan
Office hours:
Monday to Friday 9:00 - 19:30
Saturday 9:00 - 15:30
(Closed on Sundays and public holidays)

Phone: 2499-3308 / 2416-1887