What's Inside?
- Included 13 interlocking pieces.
- High-quality cardboard that is durable and fun to color or paint.
- 100% biodegradable and recyclable.
- Easy-to-follow instruction with no reading required.
- Assembled dimensions 17.7" x 13.4" x 18"
- The perfect play size for toys and figures you already own.
- Paint, crayons, and markers not included.
- Age 4+
- Packaging Size: 55 x 36 x 3 cm (0.9 kgs)
- Brand Website: www.calafant.de
- 13個連鎖配件
- 耐用及易上色的高品質紙板
- 100%可生物降解和可回收
- 簡單的說明
- 組裝尺寸17.7" x 13.4" x 18"
- 完美的玩具和人物遊戲尺寸
- 沒有提供蠟筆、水筆等顏料
- 適合4歲或以上兒童
- 包裝尺寸:55 x 36 x 3 cm (0.9 kgs)
- 品牌網站:www.calafant.de