ZIG Kuretake 2-Way Glue Pen (2用膠水筆)

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  • 濕用: 可當作一般膠水筆使用,作黏貼用途。
  • 乾用: 膠水乾透後帶有黏性,可用來製作便利貼、DIY貼紙或製作燙金字體及圖案。
  • 無酸性(Acid-Free),不會使相片泛黃、不傷相片。
  • 塗抹後膠水帶淺藍色,方便觀察塗抹情況,乾透後無色。



DIY 專用膠水筆

這款膠水筆絕對是紙品手工藝者的恩物,不但可以乾濕兩用,其筆形設計易於使用,更提供有不同粗幼筆尖。最幼的筆尖最小為1mm,可在極小面積上塗抹膠水,塗抹時就如寫字般便利,整潔均勻。 最粗筆尖有15mm,塗抹更大面積時省時省力。





膠水未乾透是,可用作黏貼之用。  跟一般膠水的用法相同。 不同之處是,此ZIG膠水筆的膠水還未乾透時,其黏性不算太強,此時可移正黏貼位置。 待貼位調整好,膠水乾透後,其黏性卻非常強力。 而且膠水亦非常快乾,按壓數秒便已牢固。






ZIG Acid-Free 2 Way Glue Pen

  • Wet use: Can be used as a regular glue pen for sticking.
  • Dry use: After the glue dries, it has a sticky texture and can be used to make memo pads, DIY stickers, or to create hot foil letters and patterns.
  • This product is acid-free, will not yellow photos, and can safely be used on personal items that require permanent preservation.
  • After smearing, the glue is light blue, which is convenient for observing the smearing situation, and it is colorless after drying.

DIY Special Glue Pen

This glue pen is a must-have for paper crafters, not only because it can be used wet and dry, but also because its pen-shaped design is easy to use and comes in different tip sizes. The smallest tip is 1mm, which can be used to apply glue to small areas like writing, while the largest tip is 15mm, which saves time and effort when applying glue to larger areas.

2 Way - Wet and Dry

2 ways - wet and dry means that the glue can be used both when wet (just squeezed out) and after it has dried.

Wet Use

When the glue is not yet dry, it can be used for sticking, just like regular glue. The difference is that the adhesive of this ZIG glue pen is not too strong when the glue is not yet dry, and the position of the adhesive can be adjusted. Once the position is adjusted, the glue will dry quickly and become extremely strong.

Dry Use

When ordinary glue is squeezed out, it cannot be used for sticking. After it dries, its stickiness disappears completely.

The glue of the ZIG glue pen, on the other hand, still has a slight stickiness after drying. When applied to the back of paper and allowed to dry, it can be used to make memo pads or stickers. It can also be repeatedly peeled off (similar to non-drying glue).

It can be used with gold powder or gold foil paper to create hot foil letters and patterns.





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